Our close collaboration with Global G.A.P.
Between 2017 and 2021, we conducted trials on our R&D farms with over 30 farmers. These pilot trials were inconclusive: local specificities and the requirements and needs of very small-caliber cucumber production proved incompatible with India's Global Gap restrictions.
However, we are maintaining a partnership planned for 2023 in Eastern Europe. A pilot project has been proposed to our agricultural partners for an initial test phase.
A few words about Global G.A.P.
Thanks to new technologies, innovation and mechanization, modern agriculture has achieved exceptional gains in productivity and efficiency. But these have come at a cost to the environment. Moreover, the goal of food security cannot be achieved with the current use of inputs and technologies, which is depleting our natural resources. Finally, the safety of agricultural products is a growing concern for consumers, who are now very concerned about what they buy and consume.
As a result, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has drawn up Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for the long-term improvement and development of agricultural production. They are based on a commitment by responsible farmers to :
- Maintain consumer confidence in product quality and safety.
- Minimize adverse environmental impact while preserving flora and fauna.
- Improve efficiency in the use of natural resources.
- Ensure a responsible attitude to the health and safety of farm workers.
Good agricultural practices are a set of rules to be respected in crop management. The guiding theme is to know, understand, plan, measure, record and manage activities from planting to harvest handling in order to achieve the objectives mentioned.